Musings of an Undercover Yogi

Archive for September 2016


A flash of a smile, distinct and charming
Catches my attention one September morning.

Lit with interest, my gaze shifts gradually
And locks with dark eyes, intense yet jolly.

My laughter shrinks into a quiet, warm smile
As silent acknowledgments enclose us in an isle.

Amusement and intrigue is evident on that face
While I mull with wonder, “Who’s that blaze!”

Thus pass a few heartbeats basking in shared oblivion
While each gaze explores the other as if we have an eon.

Inevitably, tranquility ebbs into consciousness
Leaving us dazed, as joy morphs into somberness.

We part ways, affluent by moments exquisite
Memories of the ‘meet cute,’ cherish we might.

– Bijita Dhar

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