Musings of an Undercover Yogi

Archive for April 2017

#selfchallenge #microtale #10words on #dare:

Expectations kill.
Murderer, I dare you. Target my new relationship.

– Bijita Dhar

My first #selfchallenge #nanotale #under25words on #imprint:

“You won’t hear from me again.” Cloaked in fury, she left.
Imprinted on her skin, my touch will bring her back.

– Bijita Dhar

Your touch has ignited intense desires.
But your mind is out of reach.

The silence, once loaded, is painfully vacant.
Your presence is keenly felt, but you remain elusive.

The mind is exhausted, thoughts are barren.
Eyes see the world, brain processes nothingness.

The wait seems endless; the purpose is unknown.
Purpose, would you hurry up and reveal yourself?

– Bijita Dhar