Musings of an Undercover Yogi

I am ordinary

A seeker with boundless potential. A mortal tinier than a speck of dust.

Born in a Bengali family, I spent my childhood and teenage years in the Grape City, Nashik. Small parts of these years were spent in locations in West Bengal, our native place. The pursuit of higher education took me to the nation’s capital city, New Delhi. The city of dreams, Mumbai, gifted me with my share of struggles and launched my career. And then marriage brought me to Noida, my current home. I am a curious mix of cultures from all of these locations.

I am a wordsmith by passion and profession. Having worked with top brands in the software industry for 16.5 years, I quit my last stint with Adobe Systems in 2019. I dabble in poetry and art in my spare time. I am a rockstar in the bathroom. Bath accessories inspire me to sing, dance, and compose music! I am a sucker for romantic comedies, thrillers, and mystery movies. As a child, I was a Bharatanatyam protégée. Childhood acquaintances still remember me as a bookworm. I am fond of languages and storytelling. Yoga, relationships, clairvoyance, dream interpretation, and manifestation fascinate me.

Undercover Yogi is a term coined by my Guru Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. I took the liberty to borrow the term for the title of my blog. In this space, my observations, life experiences, emotions, and everything else is expressed as short stories, poems, micro tales, and narratives. 

A warm welcome to Musings of an Undercover Yogi! 

1 Response to "I am ordinary"

Wow, nice intro!! Especially the last paragraph.

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